
Showing posts with the label parenting

Help your child break the habit of Thumb sucking

According to the beliefs of the old folks, children who thumb suck demonstrates a good character yet in reality according to clinical studies it is very common among babies as they have natural thumb sucking reflexes, that cause them to put their thumbs into their mouths which is normal even before birth at times. The natural urge to suck among babies normally decreases after the age of 6 months.   However, some kids continue to suck their thumbs to soothe themselves, as it’s their way to comfort and calm themselves when they feel hungry, sleepy, scared, bored or restless.   When your baby turns 1 year old and still continues the habit of thumb sucking, then it’s about time to help him break the habit. According to pediatricians, children who suck their thumbs often after the age of 4 can impose risks for dental and speech problems. Thumb sucking may lead to improper growth and formation of the teeth, moreover speech problems include not being able to say Ts and Ds or th

Safety measures to protect Your Child in Social Networking Sites

One of the largest and famous social networking sites in today’s era is Facebook. From approximately over 100 million registered users the large percentage is composed of teens, or even younger. Online dangers like cyber spies, cyber bullying, sexual predators, identity theft   and a lot more are alarming and should not be ignored. These cybercriminals gain access to personal information in social networking sites including Facebook among others and gain profit from the data they can get. To protect your child from cyberspace predators and other unfavourable incidents, you as parent may consider the following safety measures. Parental supervision is highly needed. It is advisable to install security applications like Net Nanny for you to monitor your child’s online activities.   Updated and configured anti-virus must also be installed, opt to seek an expert who knows about this helpful application to guide you through.  

Ways to protect your children at home

Children by nature are curious about the things around them, thus gives us the reason why we have to always practice home safety whenever there are kids in our home. Every parent wants to protect their little ones from harm and to keep them safe always. The following are suggested ways on how to protect your children at home. Prevent burns and scalds through cooking with care .   Never leave the kitchen while you are cooking. Tell your children not to use the microwave without your supervision or get help from other adults in the house if they want to cook some popcorn. Restrict them in using the gas stove and ovens. Anticipate drowning possibilities Children love to play with water. Always be on the lookout when kids take a bath whether they use the bath tubs or when you let them use the Jacuzzi or the swimming pool. Supervise them closely at all times.

3 Tips for Teaching Your Children About Money

If you have children and you want them to be financially responsible, there are a few tips and tricks available that can help with educating them while also making the learning process as fun as possible. Teaching your children about money can help to better prepare them for their own future and how to properly handle the money they earn as they grow into adults. Depending on the age of your children, there are different techniques and methods of teaching about money that can assist with their decision-making in the future. Be Open A major tip when talking to children about money is to avoid labeling the subject as "taboo" or simply not discussed in the home. Although it is not necessary to share every detail of your financial situation with your children, talking about saving money, investing money and how to manage finances openly can help them to learn quicker while catching on to adopting your own spending and saving habits. Communicating openly with your children

Summer Activities For Kids

The start of the long lazy days are about to come as the school-year ends in just a matter of less than two months.  Our children will naturally get bored of the lengthy school break, so instead of consuming their time in front of the computer or watching tv, we can hone their respective unique talents and sharpen their creative imaginations by enrolling them in children’s summer  camps, workshops and other enjoyable summer activities to occupy their idle time. Here is a list of suggested summer activities that your kids may enjoy. Art and painting workshop like acrylic painting, mixed media collage painting,  shirt painting, oil painting in canvass, paper maché figure sculpture, etc. Baking and Cooking

8 ways to deal with Teenagers

As our children reach the stage of the teenage life, we have to be aware that it is not only their physical appearance that changes, but hormonal changes takes place too. This is the stage where they become most emotionally sensitive and becomes more bullheaded.  As I have no daughter, this is how I manage to accomplish parenting a teenager, my eldest son who is now in his manhood being 22 years old. First is Attention:  Teenagers are most likely attention seekers; let them feel that you are always there to help them in case they need your help and suggestion.  This is the time when they are vainer in choosing their clothes and attire. The period of pimple break out. Tend to their needs in minimizing those ugly acne, advice them how to take care of it or accompany him/her to a dermatologist if needed.  Second is Encouragement: Stimulate his potentials and interests, to drive more effort and improvement.  Give him the support he needed.  Comforting words are very impo

Training Your Child To Sleep On Their Own Room

Ever since your new bundle came into your family, you used to place his crib inside your room and let him sleep there. It’s just the right thing to do during the first 3 years because at this point of time, your child still needs attention and can’t do things on their own yet without any parental help. It is also one of the ways to establish a strong bond in the family. However, time will come that your child gets bigger and he should learn to sleep on his own bed, in his own room. This can’t be implemented that fast because for quite some time he used to sleep knowing that he has some companion. Children easily get scared and would prefer to sleep with their parents. It should be in a slow and thorough process and explain to your child properly why there is a need for him to sleep on his own. You may join him in his room until he gets sleepy and bedtime stories would be of great help. Encourage your child that he isn’t getting any younger and soon he will grow up to be a bra

How to Make Your Computer-Whiz Kid Read Books

For some kids, especially those that are incredibly computer savvy, reading is just not their cup of tea. Though many children enjoy reading on a daily basis, if you have a child who is interested in computers, it may be a bit difficult to find books that are powerful enough to pull them away from the computer screen. That being said there are some ways that you can get your computer savvy child to read, and enjoy doing it. This technique will help open up your child's mind to the wonders of reading.  It takes a specially constructed mind to be able to use and enjoy using technology, technology, though incredibly impressive, is just not for everyone. In a similar vein, non-technological elements are not for everyone either. In order to get your computer oriented kid to read books you may have to employ the use of e-books or electronic books to spark their interest. Part of the draw of paper books for many is the feel of the pages between their fingers and the look of the book

Tips to Develop Your Child’s Love and Skills For Reading

Parents have a huge influence on how fast and quickly their children learn to read. Developing a child’s love and skill for reading is not an easy peasy job. We need to encourage and help our children to draw their attention, to fascinate them, and to make them realize the gain and benefits of reading. Here are some tips to improve and build up your child's progress in reading. Be a role model, seeing you read will inspire and motivate your children to read Start introducing books during the toddler stage; pop-up books for a start will instigate their interest to keep on looking at the book every now and then. Set time to read to your children.   Children will get enthusiastic in this activity, hearing the way how you properly pronounce words will actually help them read better themselves. As you read to each other explore for new vocabularies.

Reasons why kids get stressed

Anyone regardless of age and gender can be affected by stress when overwhelmed.   Our kids can get stressed as much as we adults do. However, unlike in adults children cannot express their feelings well and are not aware that they are already going through it. We more often tend to overlook our kids’ anxiety and depression for we sometimes think that they are just being naughty or too sensitive. photo credits:

Why Kids Should be Evaluated by an Orthodontist at 7 Years Old

When it comes to orthodontic evaluation and treatment for children, earlier is often better. In most children, an abnormal bite is identifiable by an orthodontist between the ages of 6 and 8 years old. Early treatment of certain oral conditions must begin at a young age in order to achieve the desired level of results, which may not be able to be realized if treatment is not begun until the child is older. By beginning orthodontic treatment while a child is still growing, your child can develop an attractive smile and optimal oral health. photo credits:

How to encourage kids to instill a love for reading

There are many ways how to encourage children cultivate their reading habits.   We as parents are the ones responsible in teaching them to make reading be a part of their daily routine. We need to start motivating them while they are young. To begin with, introduce reading as a fun activity. For toddlers who are pre-readers the use of pop-up books or musical books will not only act as their mode of entertainment but as a mode of learning as well.   Give time to tell stories about what the book is all about by showing the pictures and sequence of events through every page. Doing this on a daily basis will encourage them to develop their love for reading. 

Yahmir now a teen, what to expect?

Yahmir, the youngest among my two sons has just celebrated his 13 th birthday last August 12, 2012.   I am now once again parenting a child on a challenging period - an in-between stage of neither a child nor an adult. It is in this period where dramatic changes in behavior occur as per experienced with my eldest son, JM.  Yahmir at 13

Mathematical Games for Toddlers

A Toddler between two and three years old is the stage where he is beginning to talk in sentences and start on to ask a lot of questions. It is the period where his cognitive skills such as memory, language, perception, concepts, thinking, problem solving, awareness and knowledge begins to build up. In my parenting experience, both of my sons at age two love picture books with familiar things and simple stories. I bought pop-up books, read them aloud to them and talk about the pictures. They really want to look at the books over and over.  pop up book, photo from the web

Electronic babysitter leads a kid into being a couch potato

In today’s world of high technology, a lot of electronic playing gadgets are out in the market and we usually buy them as a consolation or reward for our young ones for making good in school or keeping up a good behavior. Computers, video games, portable handheld gadgets like the psp or nintendos can be constructive teaching tools for the young children; however, we sometimes tend to forget that excessive use of these devices can lay the foundation for an unhealthy and sedentary lifestyle to our kids.  psp and nintendo ds

Understanding Kid’s Shyness Behavior

photo credits: Children have different temperaments – some are friendly and outgoing, some are just watchful and shy, while some bounce back and forth between the two. Kid’s shyness in general is not a problem.  Sometimes we may be confused with our children freezing up when confronted with questions by other people. It is said to be considered normal, reflecting a kid’s innate style. 

How to Teach Your Child Not to Lie

photo credits: All children lie at some point in their lives but there are varying degrees of lies. Kids naturally want to see what they can get away with and, of course, their first concern is to protect themselves if they feel they could get in trouble. Sometimes they are trying to impress their friends, teachers or others. Through honesty and example, you need to reassure your children that, no matter what, you are always there for them. Children do learn from example and the first step in teaching a child not to lie is by being a truthful role model. How many times have you lied to a salesperson or telemarketer, as well as another adult, and your child is standing right there? A child does not understand why those little white lies are allowed in the adult world when you are trying to set an honest example. A child will not learn the importance of being truthful if you do not model that behavior yourself. Children look up to you when you least expect

Cheers for the School Year’s good start!

Moving to a new school to start the high school level is exciting yet at the same time brings many thoughts racing to our kid’s head – fear about the new school policies and teaching procedures, worries in making new friends and conforming to their social norm, nervous in riding the new school bus service and the feeling of being a total stranger in a whole new environment. This is one decision that needs a serious talk between the parent and child because transferring to a new school means adjustments and adaptation.  We need to make them understand the reasons behind why they need to transfer to a new school.  In a short span of time, they can adjust and adapt to their new academic environment by motivating them to relax, smile, be nice to everyone and don’t be shy.

How to motivate children do their homework

photo from the web One of the reasons why school children hate school days is because of their homeworks. As most often they come home tired for they already spent the whole day studying in school. How to motivate them and bring them on to enjoy studying is not an easy task. My youngest son who is already on grade 7, still has mood swings - tantrums and stubbornness being an ADHD kid yet through proper motivation, attention and perseverance I can handle his different dispositions. It is difficult but having a lot of patience do wonders. These home assignments are tasks given to students/pupils by their teachers outside of class and frequently may include researching, reading, writing or building a school project. I will share you my simple yet effective tips on how to motivate your child/children do their homework without a battle. ·          Let them rest for a while after school, encourage a short talk with them.  Listen with interest to their stories o

Grandma’s Golden Rule

“Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you” is one of the codes of ethics that we should teach our children as they grow. It is commonly known as the Grandma’s golden rule as it is a principle that has been passed on through generations religiously and morally speaking. It is a moral value that children should learn to apply while they are still young, to let them understand more the difference between the right and wrong behavior. The best way to teach them the golden rule is simply by giving them a circumstance and imagine themselves on the receiving end of the action in the exact place of the other person. From there, simply ask “How would you like to be treated in similar situations?" Then treat the other person that way. To instill in our young ones that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself, for violating the golden rule, we violate the spirit of fairness and concern.