4 Biggest Myths about Weight Loss You Must Know About
When you start researching the various weight loss methods, you will come across many misconceptions that might give you a wrong idea about losing weight. And as a newbie, it is essential that you filter out such wrong information so that you get to your weight loss goal faster. And below, we bust four myths that are associated with weight loss. Moderate VS High-Intensity Exercise A popular myth regarding workout is that doing moderate exercise will help you burn more fat and lose weight faster than high-intensity exercises. This is only partly true. Moderate exercises do burn more fat, it does not mean that it will burn more calories. While the calorie burn will depend on the duration of the workout, it is the ‘after-burn’ post the exercise where the difference between the two approaches lies. When you do a moderate exercise, you will not burn too many calories after finishing your workout. In contrast, a high-intensity exercise will result in a more intense after-burn, whi