Grandma’s Golden Rule

“Do not do unto others what you do not want others to do unto you” is one of the codes of ethics that we should teach our children as they grow. It is commonly known as the Grandma’s golden rule as it is a principle that has been passed on through generations religiously and morally speaking.

It is a moral value that children should learn to apply while they are still young, to let them understand more the difference between the right and wrong behavior. The best way to teach them the golden rule is simply by giving them a circumstance and imagine themselves on the receiving end of the action in the exact place of the other person. From there, simply ask “How would you like to be treated in similar situations?" Then treat the other person that way.

To instill in our young ones that one should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself, for violating the golden rule, we violate the spirit of fairness and concern. 


  1. travelona ShoestringMarch 27, 2012 at 6:46 PM

    This is so true we should always put yourself in the other person's shoes. You should imagine that you have their life, temporarily. You should try to imagine what they must be going through. That way you would not be harsh and will not twist the truth anymore.


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