Safety precautions to take when cleaning with chemicals
Let us know if this scenario sounds familiar. The real estate called and you have just over two days to makeover your rental, transforming a cluttered, lived in ‘home’ into a photogenic property, securing another few months of suburban living. You panic a little (or a lot), hitting the local supermarket and splashing out on new sponges and harsh chemicals packaged in purple plastic; sure, a few drops burn your knees into oblivion and your eyes pearl with tears in your mission against bathroom scum, armed with bleach and spray solutions, but beauty is pain, or something like that. The reality? Everyday people just like you unknowingly place themselves in risky situations, rushing from one job to another, making amateur mistakes and exposing their bodies to harm. Cleaning is deadly, and no, we’re not just talking about the pile of underwear threatening to catalyse a new form of bacteria; corrosive, flammable, toxic, noxious, each word is a justified descriptor of the chemical yo