Hope for Cataract Sufferers: Pinhole Glasses

A cataract causes the lens of the eye to become opaque which means the lens can no longer allow light to pass through to the retina as it should. It is the clouding of the lens in the eye and it affects the vision of the patient. Although cataracts are usually related to aging, the condition can be triggered by other factors such as the intake of too much caffeinated coffee. They are commonly found in older people, many of whom either get a cataract by age 80 or would have had a cataract surgery by then. Here are some facts about cataracts. Facts About Cataracts * You can develop cataract one or both eyes, but it cannot spread from one eye to the other. * There are different types of cataracts. * Cataracts are clumps of protein. The lens mainly consists of water and protein. The protein is arranged in a manner that allows light to pass through, but when it begins to clump together it starts to cloud out small areas of the lens therefore interfering with the light tha...