
Showing posts with the label ways and tips on parenting teenagers

Parenting Teenagers

My eldest son JM, is already 21 years old.   Gladly, I was able to surpass the teenage parenting with him with not so much problems encountered.   I might not be able to use and follow the same teenage parenting technique with my youngest son Yahmir, who is 11 years old because he is much more stubborn than his elder brother  It is a fact that in this era almost everything has changed.   We need to face these realities and find ways on how we can adapt to it. Dating is now called “hooking up”, whether it’s by facebook, plurk, skype, yahoo messenger and the most common “texting”, that’s how mostly the teenagers will meet and chat-up members of the opposite sex.   They are spending a lot of time in these media. Well, fortunately we can also use these technologies to keep tab on our teens.   We ought to put the computer in a place that can be easily accessed by the family like the living room.   In this way, we can casually monitor their communications and put a limit in