An Ode of Love

I am not good in writing poems but I tried hard to compose one especially dedicated to my husband. He is someone whom I felt a deeper connection than anyone else. A connection which is so strong that I’ve been so drawn to him in a way I have never experienced before. My perfect partner, my lover, my confidante, my soulmate! An Ode of Love Though we’re ages apart, you were destined to be my sweetheart. Forever You'll Stay In My Heart, wishing and praying we’ll never be apart. You bring sense of peace and calmness, for having you around brings so much happiness. You came to my rescue and brought out the best in me, we fit naturally and it feels like it is meant to be. Life may not always be perfect, but we manage to get through every aspect. Joined hands in parenting, business and pleasure, We can easily get a lot done by working together You love me even when loving me is hard to do, when I’m grouchy, irritable or very hardheaded to talk to. You love me in good and bad time...