5 Steps to Assessing Your Neighborhood’s Safety
When it pertains to the well-being of your family and personal property, you can never be too safe. However, safety does not end with ensuring that you have the proper equipment and alarm system set in place for your home. While securing your property is essential, your neighborhood should be just as secure. Keeping burglars out of your home could potentially be done if you and your neighbors have a system in place that keeps them out of your neighborhood. image courtesy of Stuart Miles - freedigitalphotos.net Neighborhood Watch Program Does the neighborhood you currently live in, or are moving into, have a neighborhood watch program ? If not, you should suggest that this program be implemented. The purpose of this program is to reduce the crime that takes place in your neighborhood by working with the local law enforcement agency. Sometimes you will need to take surveys pertaining to the safety needs of the neighborhood. You and neighbors that have volunteered to help with