The Perfect Breakfast
The healthiest meal to jumpstart a day is also the easiest one to prepare – Breakfast. I have two kids, and my problem lies in my youngest son Yahmir. It is a real chore to lure kids to the breakfast table. His class starts at 7am so I have to wake him up early for his school service fetches him at around 6:15 am. Usually, he has no appetite to eat in early mornings unlike his big brother. Before he starts whining, I am already insisting him to eat telling him that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and his tummy will get upset if he will not eat. If he eats breakfast, his stomach will be very happy about it and his body will be able to use the food to get the energy going, and send him off to school all fuelled up for the day - well at least until morning break! I make sure that he eats even a little.