Protecting Your Family and Pets From Fire Ants

Ants are found just about everywhere on earth, and one of the most dangerous types is fire ants. In many places a careless encounter can be fatal, and homeowners should never attempt to control them. The red fire ant is a small brown pest that can be difficult to distinguish from their other cousins, that is, unless you are stung. Fire ants are named because of their painful sting. Some use their stingers in defense of the nest and others use them to subdue their prey. Is there a Benefit to Ants? Fire ants are very effective predators; in fact, when eliminated from farms, farmers usually notice an increase in other crop pests. The nuisance is high but when weighted against other issues, many people find them a benefit. Fire ants prey on cockroaches, larvae of flies and other pests. Today, German law even protects red ants so that they can defend the nation's forests. One of the ants' greatest benefits to us is their fondness for mosquito eggs; some species of...