Help your child break the habit of Thumb sucking

According to the beliefs of the old folks, children who thumb suck demonstrates a good character yet in reality according to clinical studies it is very common among babies as they have natural thumb sucking reflexes, that cause them to put their thumbs into their mouths which is normal even before birth at times. The natural urge to suck among babies normally decreases after the age of 6 months. However, some kids continue to suck their thumbs to soothe themselves, as it’s their way to comfort and calm themselves when they feel hungry, sleepy, scared, bored or restless. When your baby turns 1 year old and still continues the habit of thumb sucking, then it’s about time to help him break the habit. According to pediatricians, children who suck their thumbs often after the age of 4 can impose risks for dental and speech problems. Thumb sucking may lead to improper growth and formation of the teeth, moreover speech problems include not being able to say Ts and...