8 Ways to Childproof your Home

Being a parent is a major responsibility. It takes a lot of work rearing a child. We protect and take care of our children until they are old enough to take care of themselves. Making the home a child proof is one of the first steps we need to consider as soon as our child begin to crawl or walk. Though, home childproofing may not be 100% effective against unwanted injury, taking extra safety measures is needed to reduce the risk of unintentional injury by hazards in and around the home. Here are some ways to childproof your home that will keep your family safe. Door knob covers Using door knob and door handle covers will prevent kids from entering areas and rooms with possible risk or danger. Cabinets and Drawers safety latches Installing safety locks or latches on cabinets and drawers especially in the kitchen can help prevent access to sharp objects, household cleaners and medicines. Playpen A playpen is a form of childproofing . It will allow you less ch...