Making Ends Meet while Liking what You Do

There comes a time when everybody has to choose what profession to take up to serve society. Based on calling, talent and references, a career path can be established. Needless to say, the process starts in the early years of college. Having an inkling of what they want to do, students decide what to major on in their courses. Some make this decision after extensive consultation while others make it on a whim. Others already have a custom course outline for a very particular sector. So what effect does a career choice have on someone’s life? A Career is a Constant Push Apart from the obvious monetary rewards that come with employment, a career path choice also hinges on job satisfaction. It is easier to live within one’s means than to carry on a profession in which one has no passion. Granted, not everyone lands the dream job there had first planned out to be in. Dissatisfaction at work affects productivity on the short-term and moving up the ranks on the long-te...