Frugal Tips during the Pandemic Enhanced Home Quarantine

The outbreak of Corona Virus Disease 2019 has created a huge effect not only on the global health crisis but has had a deep impact in the country’s social and economic aspects. The Enhanced Community Quarantine has been implemented to flatten the curve and help limit the spread of the disease. This measure is the best option as of the moment since there is still no proven cure for this illness. However, community isolation directly affects our everyday lives, causing financial struggles due to less or no income for most families. To make both ends meet, I am sharing frugal tips that I personally do during this Pandemic Home Quarantine. Assess your current finances. During this time of crisis, it is very important to create a tight budget . Set aside a particular amount for your utility bills and other monthly expenses like house rental or mortgage and loans. Create a list so you will know where to best make cuts to extend your current funds. Buy only what you need....