Preparing Your Character Home for Winter

For most people, getting ready for winter is a considered a burden. The days are shorter and bleaker, you feel like you’re sleeping outdoors, and there’s never any good light in which to read, sew, or do anything that requires basic vision. However, what winter does do is encourage you to be more creative with your space, and to see the charm in the less obvious areas of the house. It also encourages you to rejuvenate your home altogether, something that should be done whether the season is changing or not. Here are a few essential ways you can prepare your character home for winter. winter in-door garden via Inspect Exterior The most important part of making your home cold-proof is to inspect and repair its exterior, because this is obviously where the cold originates. For starters, remove any rubble from the roof gutters (dirt, leaves, moss, etc.) so that they remain unclogged,and seal any air leaks that could make ventilation more difficult to achieve. Now...