
Inspirational Blog Award

I am very thankful to have received a blogging recognition.  A co-blogger, my loyal and frequent blog visitor and commenter, now becoming a dear friend had bestowed me this Inspirational Blog Award.  Thank you Sie !  I hope my writings will continue to be of inspiration and substantial to my readers. I will be rendering this distinction to other bloggers who also share musing articles.   Well here now are my answers for the Eight Easy Tag Questions: 1.     What makes you laugh, smile or giggle ?   I laugh out loud on family bonding moments, when we watch funny dvd movies, when we share funny stories, when I talk to my best blogging friends who usually crack jokes which I can’t help laughing.  While, a simple gesture of a warm greeting makes me smile.  I giggle when my husband send me text messages on how he misses me during the day that he’s out for work then wrapping up with warm embraces in the afternoon when he comes home to call it a day. 2.     What a

Dragon World, another book collection

Yearly, the school where my youngest son studies conducts a week of book fair to encourage students and pupils to read more, to develop their reading comprehension and stimulate their reading interests. Yahmir is saving a part of his monetary baon for him to be able to buy his choice of book. He is always looking forward to this event in school for he is now more engrossed in deciphering printed materials, the interest which he was able to cultivate in a much younger age.   I am happy that I was able to flourish  his reading curiosity. When we go malling, I see to it that I bring my children to a bookstore and allow them to select their book to purchase.   We are a family of bookworms having different choices in topics we read. My husband is more on medical books, JM is very much attracted to technical books that concerns computers.   Yahmir is reading more on adventure, animals, amazing facts, guinness records, etc. while I read any printed material that catches my attention and a

Cleaning 101: How to get rid of Mildews

Are you also annoyed and troublesome seeing mildews on your clothes, leather bags and belts, shoes, and clothes?  This fungus can stain paper, cloth, leather and could even bring more harm to our health. Mildews accumulate due to dust and moisture from high humidity.  They grew more in darkness and damp places with stagnant air inside the house. In the first five years of my housekeeping and homemaking, I always encounter this problem yet I do not know really how to get rid of them. They keep on coming back after a few weeks. Just as always my mom is ever ready to help and rescue As experienced, molds grow rapidly during wet weather, as much as possible we must try to control the dampness inside our homes.  Here are tips on how I get rid of them Dust regularly. Air circulation and movement is very important to removing moisture. I had exhaust fans installed which I think helped a lot.   I have learned that cool air holds less moisture than warm air, so I agreed in installing air

Sabayang Bigkas at Linggo ng Wika Celebration

Every school in the entire Philippine Archipelago annually observes the Linggo ng Wika in the month of August. Different programs are performed and celebrated by the pupils, students and teachers to commemorate the importance of having our national language and to pay respect for Manuel L. Quezon, Father of the Filipino National Language.   The Filipino Club of my youngest son's school conducted a “Sabayang Bigkas Competition”, and Yahmir was one of the participants among the Grade VI pupils in their entry for the intermediate level.  All the performers wore the Traditional Filipino Costume for their presentation. The program was simple yet very much organized.  Some parents were there to see their children perform.  The stage decoration and Yahmir wearing Camisachino, red scarf, with farmer's hat. the grade VI performance Yahmir with Mrs. Isiderio, Filipino Club Adviser and his class adviser as well. posing for photo captures the grade IV an

Cleaning 101: The Bedroom

The most private part of the house is the bedroom.  It is also the quietest room where one can enjoy serenity and calm atmosphere. Just like any part of my house, I like it also clean and tidy.  I call it my chamber  . I usually do a general cleaning on a weekly basis, cleaning the electric fans, cleaning the air-conditioning unit’s filter and changing of bed sheets or bed covers, pillow cases and comforters.  It is best recommended to change bed sheets, comforters and pillow cases every 7 days, however during rainy season; I sometimes do it every two weeks.   There is a very real psychology to gaining organizational skills that one gets as they earn their life experience degree. Here is the procedure on how I do general cleaning on our bedrooms:  Before I take out the bed covers, I remove first the cobwebs on the ceilings using a long broomstick.  Usually it will take a month or more before I could see webs again.   Take out the bed sheets and pillow cases. After ta

Nose Bleed

I panicked the first time I experience nose bleeding with my kids.  Thankfully, the doctor assured me that nose bleeds are rarely cause for alarm and common in kids between the ages of 3 to 10 if they do not have any underlying diseases or other health problems that might cause the nose to bleed. Nosebleeds often stop on their own and can be readily attended to safely at home. Yesterday, while my twelve year old son, Yahmir was reviewing for his quarterly exams, he alarmingly told me that his nose is bleeding. I was busy preparing for his snack at that time, I immediately pinched the soft part of his nose firmly and instructed him to lean forward slightly with his head tilted forward. I repeated the procedure until the bleeding stopped. His allergic rhinitis has been the culprit of his bleeding nose, he kept on sneezing and blows hard because he is annoyed of the mucus coming in and out of his nose. After I cleaned his nose, I told him to rest for a while and told him not to blow t

Why Do Babies Cry?

Our babies cry naturally. It is their way of communicating with us since they cannot talk yet.   There are a lot of reasons behind it and we need to interpret and supposed to know why a baby cries.   If your baby is wailing and you cannot figure out why? Here are some lists that you may find helpful to comfort and soothe your child. They may be irritable due to wet diaper or clothes. Especially on cold weather, they may be feeling cold or annoyed with their wet diaper or soiled clothes. Maybe hungry or thirsty. Babies usually need to be fed every four to five hours, depending on their age. They also need to drink   water aside from the infant formula. Bitten by a mosquito, ants or other insects. Check all over their body to see if they have been bitten by mosquitos, ants or other insects that feels itchiness and redness on their skin. Feverish.   Make a habit of getting a baby’s temperature first before giving him/her a bath.   I