
ECOTRADE Premier Eco-Friendly B2B Marketplace

Due to growing awareness of the Global warming, which effects (climatic changes brought about by the increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere) are with us now, people all over the world developed an increasing desire to make, trade and buy healthy product choices which at the same time protecting the environment.  Learning to use alternative energy sources, environment friendly cleaning products, eco-bags to replace biodegradable plastic bags, organic farm produce, conserving water and green living ideas will help us survive from life’s adversity.  To help protect nature from destruction, eco-friendly products and campaigns are made to inform and educate people worldwide for us to help hand in hand in preserving our beloved planet. ECOTRADE is a Korean based B2B Marketplace specializing in environmental friendly related products and technology. One of their objectives is to improve awareness about environmental concerns and assist people with purchasin

Pointers to Remember in Long Distance Moving

We rent a house as we still do not have our own.  Moving from one house to another is not only stressful but it makes me sick too.  I learned from my own experience the proper and organized way on how to move from one house to another.  Here are some pointers and tips on a smooth move. Plan ahead when you need to move from one place to another especially if it is a long distance moving. Consider the proximity of the place from your children's school, place of work, market, hospital and many more. Pack your things 2 weeks before you move, make sure also that it is properly labeled outside the box.  Sort it according to frequent usage. Things not used on a daily basis can be packed much earlier than scheduled. Make a thorough check up on the house that you were about to move in, the comfort room, drainage, faucets, and electrical outlets/lightings.  It is better to do the necessary repairs needed before you move in. Schedule a day for clean-up in the new house, bathrooms/

Sibling Personalities No Two People are Alike

Parenting is not an easy task, we just cannot rely on what we know and experienced.  There are times that we also need to ask other opinions and do some researches too.  Do not set aside the fact that we also can learn something from our children.  In case you have two or more children, you will observe and discover that they possess different personalities as they grow older.  In my case of having two sons, my disciplinary actions for my elder child do not apply with my youngest child.  Both of them are stubborn but as my youngest son is having ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder), he needs a different and special approach in terms of disciplining.  Our kids born under the combination of two genes (parents) may have common traits and physical appearance but we can also notice their differences in some ways.  They may look very much like you, but they are not exactly like you. We cannot ignore the fact that we sometimes compare our children’s personalities especially wh

Google +1 on WBFC #20

Weekend Blog Follower Caravan is an online blogger-helping blogger weekly meme.  Bloggers helping each other in terms of blog followers either through Google Friend Connect and email subscribers.  Week 20 is all about sharing love through clicking Google +1.  I am participating not only to gain a relevant Google +1 vote but also to help the participating blogs. Mine is located at the uppermost portion of my side bar.  Happy clicking! Here is how it goes:  Google Plus One our sponsors: OnlineBiz and Resources and Pinay Mommy Online.   Make sure you give your plus one at the blogs homepage.  Make a post with our WBFC Badge to welcome all our participants.  Leave a comment at our participants welcome post that you have Google Plus One their blogs’ homepage. Remember Google Plus One the blog’s homepage and not the welcome post!! Google Plus One all participants!!

Good Study Habits

Yahmir my youngest son has been complaining about his teachers, giving too much home works and projects especially now that he is already on the 6 th grade. Subject lessons are getting much difficult day by day. It is a good thing that he already had established a good study habit.   No matter how many school tasks he has after a school day, he can accomplish them in a matter of time.   Using time and energy wisely will help one excel in his studies and may even let one enjoy other worthwhile activities too. Make and follow a schedule that provides for a systematic way of getting studies done. Unless one has organized his time into a better schedule and develops a good set of work habits, one will continue being frustrated and unsuccessful in studies Budget time by making and following a schedule of what to do within a period of time.   I will be sharing you some tips to make a better and realistic plan of study. Study the same subject at the same time each day. Yah

Teaching Kids Honesty

If you will notice a child begins to make believe and lie when they reach the toddler stage.   The formative years of a child begins in the age of zero-five.   During this age, they become aware and curious of what’s happening around them, they mimic the things they see and hear and because of their virgin minds, they still cannot distinguish what is right and what is wrong. A crucial stage which lay the foundation of the whole life of a child.   It is very important for us to guide and teach them to be more emotionally stable.   A child who feels being loved has the less chance to misbehave. “Haplos ng pagmamahal” (showing affection through touch or simply the touch of love) is just one way how to show and let your child feel that he is well-loved and taken cared of.   The best foundation for discipline is love. One of the first things we should teach them is how to be honest.   We can teach honesty anytime through their daily activities, explaining carefully for their little

Informational Toys for Kids

Children loves to play and it is beneficial to them if they will play on educational toys at an early age for they will learn as they play. We as parents need to know that functional and constructive playing takes a vital part in developing a healthy mind and body.   Informational  toys will enhance a natural child’s curiosity, creativeness, and cognitive and logical thinking that will lead him to explore possibilities and learn to test each one. In these simple playing activities, the child is learning basic problem solving skills while discovering and exploring the colors, numbers, letters, sizes and shapes.   Repetition of playing with these educational toys, the child gains confidence in his abilities which will encourage him to do new things. Aside that playing is fun, it will also keep him busy while you can finish some of your house chores as well. Here are suggestions of less- expensive educational toys that you may buy. Toddler kids Color, number and letter blocks Constr