
4 Hacks for a Painless Family Move

moving into a new home Moving into a new home is often one of the most stressful events that a family can go through. With so much to keep track of and expenses that continue to add up, some may even feel hopeless about getting through a move with their sanity intact. For those who are preparing for one of these major life events, here are four hacks that help you steer clear of overwhelming stress. The Three Pile Method In the earliest stages of moving, one of the easiest ways to start off on the right foot is to use the three pile method. This is a method in which everything that is pulled out of messy garages, cabinets, closets, or rooms is placed into one of three piles for easy separation. One of these piles contains trash such as broken kitchenware or toys that no family member will need. The second pile contains anything that the family does not need but that can be sold or given away such as old electronics. The final pile is absolute necessities that will need to be

4 Simple Ways to Add a Touch of "Green" to your Home

In the past, an average home was surrounded by nature. However, the world has undergone major change, and tens of millions of trees have been cut down. Modern homes don’t come with enough green in them, which is why many people wish to change them. In today’s environment, most people find that their home is boxed in by large, rigid structures, which are completely artificial. image courtesy of Stuart Miles - While there are many exceptions, it’s very difficult for most people to remember what it was like to live alongside nature. If you’re wondering how to make your home more green , you’ll be happy to learn that there are four simple ways to add a touch of green to your home. Add a Wreath When looking for ways to add a touch of green, most people would never think to add a wreath. However, adding a succulent wreath to a home serves as an excellent touch of green. The best part is that it doesn’t require significant investments in time and effor

4 Secrets to Unclogging Any Clogged Drain

A drain clog is perhaps one of the most common plumbing issues. There is no sure-fire thing you can do to prevent your drains from getting clogged. However, you may be able to unclog your drains yourself. Below is a list of things, courtesy of Amyotte's Plumbing & Heating Ltd. , you can use to unclog your drain: Baking Soda And Vinegar Baking soda and vinegar are two natural remedies you can use to unclog the drain. The first thing you will need to do is boil some hot water and then pour it down the drain. After that, you will need to pour 1/3 cup of baking soda down the drain. Allow it to sit for five minutes. After that, add vinegar to the drain and let it sit for 20 minutes. Pour some boiling water down the drain to remove the vinegar and baking soda. Salt And Baking Soda You will need a 1/2 cup of baking soda and 1/2 table salt. Pour it down the drain and allow it sit for 10 to 20 minutes. Pour the boiling water after 20 minutes. The chemical reaction f

Preparing Your Character Home for Winter

For most people, getting ready for winter is a considered a burden. The days are shorter and bleaker, you feel like you’re sleeping outdoors, and there’s never any good light in which to read, sew, or do anything that requires basic vision. However, what winter does do is encourage you to be more creative with your space, and to see the charm in the less obvious areas of the house. It also encourages you to rejuvenate your home altogether, something that should be done whether the season is changing or not. Here are a few essential ways you can prepare your character home for winter. winter in-door garden via Inspect Exterior The most important part of making your home cold-proof is to inspect and repair its exterior, because this is obviously where the cold originates. For starters, remove any rubble from the roof gutters (dirt, leaves, moss, etc.) so that they remain unclogged,and seal any air leaks that could make ventilation more difficult to achieve. Now

Energy Books Offer In-Depth Takes on the Industry

Few industries in the world have as many implications on society than energy. Staying on top of the trends and developments that occur in the world of gas, oil, and electricity is an important job of many consultants and investors. However, realizing what is going on in the energy industry and how events led the world to a specific point is always important and compelling information for everyone. While news reports, podcasts, and some websites can be helpful in getting updates, energy books are one of the best ways to get some in-depth information and little known details related to the field. News Reports, Podcasts, & More Getting information via a number of electronic sources is a quick and efficient way of glossing over the highs and occasional lows of any type of industry. Because of limited time and page space, topics are introduced and reported on quickly. These types of informative sources are designed to be hard hitting and easily consumed. The downside of thes

5 Steps to Making Your Dream Home a Reality

Everyone deserves to live in the home of their dreams, but making that dream a reality can be harder than it sounds. Whether you imagine yourself relaxing in a beach front condo, or roaming the halls of a large country estate, your dream home is out there. When you decide that it’s finally time to take the plunge, consider these tips to help make the process as satisfying as possible. Organize Your Finances Whether you’re willing to pay the price for your move-in-ready fantasy, or are ready to put your personal touch into a fixer upper, you’ll need to balance what you want with what you can afford. Go through your finances and check your credit score before you apply for a loan. The industry standard for a down payment is 20%, but remember that the more you pay upfront, the less your monthly mortgage will be. CNN Money tells prospective buyers to build up credit, find professional financial advisors, and consider the quality of the schools in the potential new neighborh

Value Bump: 5 Tricks to Raising Your Home Value

If you're in the process of selling your home or you want to plan for renovation projects that update the property, it is important to choose improvements that will raise your home value. The best projects do not necessarily involve demolition. The best projects are more focused on how they will improve aesthetics and function while still offering a return on investment. If you are looking for tricks that are sure to bump up the value of your home during an appraisal, here are five ideas. image credits: Mr GC - Create Space in the Kitchen More people than ever are looking for a home that has an open layout . If you have a non-structural wall or an island in your kitchen that is separating the room from the living area, removing these elements can make a major difference. Creating space will make your home flow better, and this added flow will attract potential buyers. Wide open floor plans mean larger value. You can also create space by getting a

6 Ways to Create a Relaxed and Welcoming Home

The home should be a place in which to relax. It also needs to be a welcoming place for friends and family. How does one go about creating a home that has a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere? There are a number of ways to achieve this. image credits to: photostock = A Welcoming Entrance For a welcoming space, one needs to start with the spot that welcomes visitors into the home. The right door can mean the difference between a cold and forbidding house and a space that is a warm, relaxed and welcoming  home . A company such as Rusco Industries can provide just the right door to suit the design of the house and to create a welcoming environment. Add a Splash of Color Painting the walls in pleasant hues can add warmth. When it comes to color, be willing to be bold. However, don't use so much of a strong color that it becomes overpowering. One room or even one wall in a room painted in red or orange can add a lot of warmth and flair. Shades of

9 Ways to Save on College Tuition and Costs

Reducing college expenses can help you to avoid crushing student debt and financial stress. Finding the right ways to reduce expenses will help you to get the most out of your education. image source: 1. Choose a low-priced college . Public universities often cost less than their private counterparts. Find one that fits your budget and will allow you to pay for your education without costly loans. There are online programs that will allow you to analyze the costs of college before you fill out an application. 2. Rent textbooks . Textbooks can cost hundreds of dollars per semester. By renting your books or buying them used, you can significantly save on college costs. Make money by selling them at the end of the semester or renting them out to other students. 3. Live with roommates off campus . Off-campus apartments often cost significantly less than on-campus housing. Grab a few roommates and split the rent several ways to save on rent, utilities and oth

Single Life: Repairs You Should Know How to Do On Your Own

Whether young and fresh out of your parents’ home, or older divorced and single again, when living on their own, plenty of singles find themselves faced with a harsh reality. They don’t know how to do simple repairs. Since being single often means a lower income, hiring someone to do the job isn’t always an option. Here are some simple repairs everyone should know how to do for themselves. Image credits to: Serge Bertasius Photography at Change a Flat Tire Check your owner's manual for the location of the jack and spare tire for your car. The jack is often in a panel under the trunk, or under a seat. The spare will usually be in the trunk as well. There should be instructions on the jack, or near where it is kept that explain how to assemble it. On most newer cars, there will be grooves in the frame which the jack hooks into. Set the parking brake. Fit the jack into the groove on the frame. Raise the car so the tire is off the ground. Use

Five Steps to an Early Retirement

Early retirement is an ambitious and worthwhile goal – and despite the doom and gloom in and around financial markets since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), early retirement is possible. All you need is a well thought out plan and some clearly defined action steps to set you on the road – and then it’s just a matter of following your course and staying focused until your goals are reached. Below are five steps to planning your early retirement – why not get started today? image source: Be Clear About Your Goals Take some time to get very, very clear about what you want to do in your retirement. And how early is ‘early’? Are you thinking of travelling? Starting a business? Just doing up your home, or alternatively upsizing or downsizing at all? Think carefully about these questions, as your answers will inform your plan and how you go about executing your roadmap to early retirement. Once you know where you’re going, you can work out the best way to get there.

7 Incredibly Simple Ways to Make Your House a Home

Moving into a new house or condo is often a fairly disorienting process for most people. The new surroundings are typically sterile and devoid of personality, which makes it hard to love the space. Turning a mere house into a real home takes time and a little forethought. If you'd like to jump-start the process, these quick tips provided should prove helpful. image source: Spice Up the Color Palette For practical reasons, most houses boast muted beige or gray tones in spades to avoid putting off potential buyers. Once you've moved in, you can remake the new house in your own image using your preferred colors. Even if you like understated shades, repainting the walls to reflect your own tastes is the easiest way to put your stamp on the place. Lay Down a Few Throw Rugs One of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to make any house more inviting is by slapping down some unique rugs. Avoid mass-produced items purchased from big-box stores

How to Transfer Your Schooling Skills to a Resume

Every year thousands of college students graduate and are eager to join the work force, only to discover an unfortunate reality. While a college degree is often required for many of today’s jobs, lacking practical work experience can leave a young graduate’s resume looking paper thin. It is essential for college graduates to market the skills they have learned in school effectively in order to stand out to prospective employers. Image courtesy of phasinphoto at Be Practical Employers today often require relevant experience for entry-level work. Though this sounds like a difficult conundrum, an effectively written resume can overcome this obstacle. To best market your skills, frame what you have learned in college in a practical application. For example, a graduate with a University of Florida business administration online degree might say he or she “implemented marketing strategies to attract new customers to the campus bookstore.” This provides a le

5 Ways to Keep a Clean Home without Spending a Fortune

Maintaining a clean home each day without spending a fortune can quickly become overwhelming without the proper planning and supplies. Using a few tips and tricks can ensure your home remains bacteria-free and an enjoyable living space for both you and your guests. image credits to: photostock - Clean Up and Sweep Daily Cleaning each room by picking up clutter and sweeping or vacuuming daily is a way to avoid deep-cleaning needs less often. Simply taking the time to wipe counters, toilets and other surrounding appliances rids larger messes that require more time to clean entirely. Invest in cleaning wipes and sweeping products that allow you to quickly sweep and mop with minimal effort, keeping spills at bay while allowing you to ensure your home is clean and safe for children and pets at all times. Rid Clutter and Excess Items Rid the clutter from your home and living areas to create a more serene and enjoyable living environment. Thro

5 Neighborhood Traits to Look for When Relocating Your Family

You want a dream home, but what happens when that dream home is located in a sub-par neighborhood? Many people focus on a home's size, style and amenities, but not everyone focuses on the traits of the neighborhood it is located in. If you are planning to call a house your home for the long-term, it is important to live within a community that is both inviting and caters to families with children. Here are five traits you should never overlook on your mission to find the best property for your family to reside in. Image courtesy of winnond / Quality Schools Are Essential If your children will be attending public school, it is essential that you check to see what school your child will attend when living in a specific neighborhood. Do not just consider their grade-level now, but also consider their grade level in the future. You should check to see how the schools in the region compare to others in the area, and stay away from those with poor test

5 Ways to Prolong the Life of Your Home Plumbing

Your plumbing is one of the most important components in your home. You want to keep it working at all times, and you want to prolong its lifespan as long as possible. If you want to keep your plumbing in good shape for years to come, follow these five tips to take care of it and prevent it from breaking down. image source: _images/pl3.jpg 1. Don’t Flush the Wrong Things One of the most common ways that people damage their plumbing is by flushing things they shouldn’t down their toilets. Don’t flush anything other than human waste and toilet paper down your toilet. You especially need to avoid flushing things like paper towels, sanitary napkins and baby wipes. 2. Fix Clogs Right Away According to Always Plumbing & Heating , one of the most common ways that people damage their plumbing is by letting clogs fester for too long. If you have a clog that keeps coming back, you need to get professional help to get rid of it for goo

Tips on how to avoid being scammed by your mechanic

Each year, over one-fourth of Americans report being dissatisfied with their repairs from a mechanic, with costs being the biggest source of satisfaction, followed by improper repairs. In fact, unnecessary car repair is consistently ranked among of highest causes of consumer complaints in the United States, and repair costs have been estimated to be in the tens of billions- even as high as $40 billion. These expenses pile up on top of all the other costs of owning a car. Owning a car can cost an average of $9,122 for sedans (which comes out to 60.8 cents per mile over the vehicle’s lifespan) to $9,795 for a minivan (65.3 cents per mile) to $11,599 for an SUV (77.3 cents per mile). Maintenance costs increase the cost of owning a car even more; upkeep cost Americans an average of 4.97 cents per mile in 2013, equivalent to about $750 per year. Interestingly, these hundreds of dollars of repairs stem from the same few areas of your car. Your engine, for example, is the most importan

6 Budget-Friendly Organization Ideas for Small Spaces

It seems as though we need more items than ever to accomplish our daily activities, but if you live in a small space, all those items can quickly become an organizational nightmare. Quantum Storage understands that getting organized is about more than having a place to put things; it is a state of mind that can lead to a harmonious, happy home. These 6 ideas will help you stay organized while keeping your budget happy, too. 1. Go Vertical When you incorporate vertical storage in your design theme, you greatly increase your potential storage space. For example, toys can be hung in nets in the corner of a bedroom. In the kitchen, opt for magnetic spice containers and store them on the side of the fridge to clear up entire shelves in the cupboard. 2. Drawer Organizers For small items in drawers, make or buy organizers so that you can keep things in their place. This gives you easier access and often frees up space as things find a place to belong. Cardboard can be