Single Life: Repairs You Should Know How to Do On Your Own

Whether young and fresh out of your parents’ home, or older divorced and single again, when living on their own, plenty of singles find themselves faced with a harsh reality. They don’t know how to do simple repairs. Since being single often means a lower income, hiring someone to do the job isn’t always an option. Here are some simple repairs everyone should know how to do for themselves. Image credits to: Serge Bertasius Photography at Change a Flat Tire Check your owner's manual for the location of the jack and spare tire for your car. The jack is often in a panel under the trunk, or under a seat. The spare will usually be in the trunk as well. There should be instructions on the jack, or near where it is kept that explain how to assemble it. On most newer cars, there will be grooves in the frame which the jack hooks into. Set the parking brake. Fit the jack into the groove on the frame. Raise the car so the tire is off the ground. Use ...