
6 Ways to Create a Relaxed and Welcoming Home

The home should be a place in which to relax. It also needs to be a welcoming place for friends and family. How does one go about creating a home that has a relaxed and welcoming atmosphere? There are a number of ways to achieve this. image credits to: photostock = A Welcoming Entrance For a welcoming space, one needs to start with the spot that welcomes visitors into the home. The right door can mean the difference between a cold and forbidding house and a space that is a warm, relaxed and welcoming  home . A company such as Rusco Industries can provide just the right door to suit the design of the house and to create a welcoming environment. Add a Splash of Color Painting the walls in pleasant hues can add warmth. When it comes to color, be willing to be bold. However, don't use so much of a strong color that it becomes overpowering. One room or even one wall in a room painted in red or orange can add a lot of warmth and flair. Shades of

9 Ways to Save on College Tuition and Costs

Reducing college expenses can help you to avoid crushing student debt and financial stress. Finding the right ways to reduce expenses will help you to get the most out of your education. image source: 1. Choose a low-priced college . Public universities often cost less than their private counterparts. Find one that fits your budget and will allow you to pay for your education without costly loans. There are online programs that will allow you to analyze the costs of college before you fill out an application. 2. Rent textbooks . Textbooks can cost hundreds of dollars per semester. By renting your books or buying them used, you can significantly save on college costs. Make money by selling them at the end of the semester or renting them out to other students. 3. Live with roommates off campus . Off-campus apartments often cost significantly less than on-campus housing. Grab a few roommates and split the rent several ways to save on rent, utilities and oth

Single Life: Repairs You Should Know How to Do On Your Own

Whether young and fresh out of your parents’ home, or older divorced and single again, when living on their own, plenty of singles find themselves faced with a harsh reality. They don’t know how to do simple repairs. Since being single often means a lower income, hiring someone to do the job isn’t always an option. Here are some simple repairs everyone should know how to do for themselves. Image credits to: Serge Bertasius Photography at Change a Flat Tire Check your owner's manual for the location of the jack and spare tire for your car. The jack is often in a panel under the trunk, or under a seat. The spare will usually be in the trunk as well. There should be instructions on the jack, or near where it is kept that explain how to assemble it. On most newer cars, there will be grooves in the frame which the jack hooks into. Set the parking brake. Fit the jack into the groove on the frame. Raise the car so the tire is off the ground. Use

Five Steps to an Early Retirement

Early retirement is an ambitious and worthwhile goal – and despite the doom and gloom in and around financial markets since the Global Financial Crisis (GFC), early retirement is possible. All you need is a well thought out plan and some clearly defined action steps to set you on the road – and then it’s just a matter of following your course and staying focused until your goals are reached. Below are five steps to planning your early retirement – why not get started today? image source: Be Clear About Your Goals Take some time to get very, very clear about what you want to do in your retirement. And how early is ‘early’? Are you thinking of travelling? Starting a business? Just doing up your home, or alternatively upsizing or downsizing at all? Think carefully about these questions, as your answers will inform your plan and how you go about executing your roadmap to early retirement. Once you know where you’re going, you can work out the best way to get there.

7 Incredibly Simple Ways to Make Your House a Home

Moving into a new house or condo is often a fairly disorienting process for most people. The new surroundings are typically sterile and devoid of personality, which makes it hard to love the space. Turning a mere house into a real home takes time and a little forethought. If you'd like to jump-start the process, these quick tips provided should prove helpful. image source: Spice Up the Color Palette For practical reasons, most houses boast muted beige or gray tones in spades to avoid putting off potential buyers. Once you've moved in, you can remake the new house in your own image using your preferred colors. Even if you like understated shades, repainting the walls to reflect your own tastes is the easiest way to put your stamp on the place. Lay Down a Few Throw Rugs One of the quickest and most cost-effective ways to make any house more inviting is by slapping down some unique rugs. Avoid mass-produced items purchased from big-box stores

How to Transfer Your Schooling Skills to a Resume

Every year thousands of college students graduate and are eager to join the work force, only to discover an unfortunate reality. While a college degree is often required for many of today’s jobs, lacking practical work experience can leave a young graduate’s resume looking paper thin. It is essential for college graduates to market the skills they have learned in school effectively in order to stand out to prospective employers. Image courtesy of phasinphoto at Be Practical Employers today often require relevant experience for entry-level work. Though this sounds like a difficult conundrum, an effectively written resume can overcome this obstacle. To best market your skills, frame what you have learned in college in a practical application. For example, a graduate with a University of Florida business administration online degree might say he or she “implemented marketing strategies to attract new customers to the campus bookstore.” This provides a le

5 Ways to Keep a Clean Home without Spending a Fortune

Maintaining a clean home each day without spending a fortune can quickly become overwhelming without the proper planning and supplies. Using a few tips and tricks can ensure your home remains bacteria-free and an enjoyable living space for both you and your guests. image credits to: photostock - Clean Up and Sweep Daily Cleaning each room by picking up clutter and sweeping or vacuuming daily is a way to avoid deep-cleaning needs less often. Simply taking the time to wipe counters, toilets and other surrounding appliances rids larger messes that require more time to clean entirely. Invest in cleaning wipes and sweeping products that allow you to quickly sweep and mop with minimal effort, keeping spills at bay while allowing you to ensure your home is clean and safe for children and pets at all times. Rid Clutter and Excess Items Rid the clutter from your home and living areas to create a more serene and enjoyable living environment. Thro