
Family Health Card: Keeping Your Future Secured

They say, health is wealth, and so is our family. Many individuals get insurance coverage as well as family health cards to protect themselves and their families from future health-related expenses. Family health insurance is a great way to take care of the family. It is similar to other insurances wherein the family medical expenses are covered. With this, your loved ones can get quality services from trusted health care providers and top of the line hospital care services. You can get a family health card and insurance as an additional premium to the coverage provided by your employer. There are businesses and companies that will require you to pay for some of the premiums if you elect to have additional coverage for your family members. You can also avail of a family health insurance for the whole family if you are self-employed.  While some people put health care services and insurance on the bottom of their list, you should always think of the future and be prepared

Are you suffering from hearing loss?

Hearing loss can impact your life negatively on many levels, and on the lives of your family and friends. If you suffer from a loss of hearing, you’re far from alone. More than 30 million Americans suffer some form of hearing loss, and that includes teenagers. If your hearing has been damaged, it is likely you deal with frustrations big and small on a daily basis. These frustrations can range from not being able to hear at the dinner table to not being able to fully appreciate a piano concert. The people you live with also get frustrated because they have to repeat virtually everything they say, or they have to endure loud volumes on the TV or radio because you can’t hear programs at a normal decibel level. A “yes” answer to the following questions means you most probably have hearing loss: Do you constantly ask people to repeat what they have said? Do family members complain that you have the volume on the TV too high? Do you have a problem following conversations a

Anti-Ageing Skincare Tips for Moms

The other day, my son and I were buried in his Science homework, talking about the different types of textures.  When we were on the topic of “roughness”, he jokingly held up a sheet of sandpaper against my face and said, “Mom, you know, sometimes the skin on your face feels like this!”  Since when did my son grow up to be annoyingly cute?  At that moment, I wasn’t quite sure whether I wanted to smother him with kisses or kick him to the curb! With the countless responsibilities we moms are faced with, day in and day out, it comes as no surprise that we often neglect the things we shouldn’t.  Like our skin, for example.  Before we know it, our kids are making fun of us in the name of science. If you’re starting to notice that your skin isn’t as glowing or supple as it was when you used to be a carefree woman of the world, take action.  Here are some anti-ageing skin care tips for moms: Ban the Sun How many times has your grandmother told you to never forget to

How to Find the Right Colour Scheme for Your Home

Choosing the right colour scheme for your home can be a challenge, but it is also a very powerful tool to spruce up your interior and let your personality shine. You should never make a half-hearted decision when it comes to colour. Make sure that you think long and hard about which palette will be right for you and right for your home. earth tone color by nuttakit - Have Fun When choosing colours for your home, don’t feel as if you need to follow any rules or predetermined techniques. You can do absolutely anything that you choose. Be creative and experiment with colours and ideas that are quirky and out there. You’re never going to know which scheme is right for you unless you try as many options as possible. Keep your mind open and your colour senses tingling. Think About Your Furniture One of the biggest mistakes you can make when choosing a colour scheme for your home is to forget to consider the way it will look with your furniture. Nobody w

Cozy for the Holidays: Home Heaters for Winter

The Festive Holidays is fast approaching and as the song says, “The weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful.” Well, is your home ready for the cold winter months? While everyone is busy decorating, shopping and doing all their Christmas to-do-list, someone must also take charge of your home’s heating system. Have it checked by a professional to make sure it is working properly so that you can control and monitor the heat all throughout the house. Hence, while you still have time, consider getting a portable programmable thermostat wherein you can comfortably adjust and control temperature from anywhere in the home.  Its portable comfort control feature provides consistent warmth and coziness as it will automatically check the flow of the heat to save on your heating costs. Your heating system will be working double this cold season so it’s wise to check on all the necessary details to ensure that your home is well insulated and that the vents are clea

Equal importance of Sight and Sound

Sight and hearing are two equally important senses that are needed to be monitored in the family’s health. More often than not we tend to notice at once if one of our kids is having problems with seeing things and do corrective measures in the soonest time by seeing an ophthalmologist.  However, we do not detect problems of defective hearing immediately. While vision allows us to learn more about the surrounding world, hearing enables us to be aware of what is around and experience the world around us through sound. Sight and sound are important communication tools which provide our mind and body with much needed information in our daily life. As parents we need to teach our children the significance of these two senses in their daily activities. Though they can learn the importance of these senses in school, it is still advisable to inform them how they can protect and care for their sense of sight and sound. 

8 Benefits of LED lighting system for your home

To make our planet a better place to live in, more and more people are now turning into living a healthier and greener life. Starting from eating healthy foods to using environmentally-safe and socially responsible products to home improvement such as green roofs and now the use of LED lighting. You can change the light quality of your home and create a more comfortable and sustainable atmosphere through using the LED lighting system. Light-emitting diode or better known as LED is a semiconductor electronic light source. It is the indicator light we see in our home appliances and devices.  Through technology advancements it was recently increasingly used for home and business general lighting source. You can use LED lamps and bulbs anywhere around your home and make a stylish lighting improvement to make your home an enjoyable and cozy place to live in. Image via