
Energy-Saving Tips in Winterizing Your Home

Aside from pulling the sweaters and mittens out at the bottom of the coat closet, we also make a to-do-list to prepare and equip our homes for the cold weather. Shielding ourselves and our homes to keep us warm and comfortable for the cold season is a must to keep our family and homes protected. Our homes require maintenance to keep it in a tip-top shape all throughout the winter season. Here are important things to look over, inspect and clean before the wintertime begins. Inspect the furnace and clean the ducts   Clean the roofs, gutters and downspouts   Check for crevice cracks on exterior doors and windows and seal them.   Check smoke detectors and alarms, replace batteries if needed.   Check on your first aid supplies, flashlights and food supplies.   Do not forget to make the fireplace ready, buy enough wood, clean the chimney and cap the top to keep out birds.   Take out those winter equipment from the storage such as ice choppers, snow shovel

Easy Ways To Go Green

Every day, we’re faced with a thousand and one decisions:  from what color of shoes to wear, to which turn to take at the intersection.  Some are big, life-altering decisions, while others are less critical.  The thing is, whatever decision we choose to make, we have to stick to it and follow through. If going green is one decision you’ve just recently made, then good for you.  Remember that it doesn’t end there.  You have to take action in order to make that decision worthwhile.  You don’t have to go all out and start a campaign to save the environment.  It always helps to start small.  There are so many things you can do around the house to start living that green lifestyle.  For starters, you can make it a habit to segregate your garbage.  Keep all recyclable materials together, and the perishables in a separate container. Photo credits: Instead of the usual run-of-the-mill industrial cleaners, opt to use a Green Choice Carpet Cleaning NY

The Evolution of Me

I can still vividly remember my first day as a college freshman.  I was an impressionable sixteen-year old with no clue as to what to expect from university life.  Despite the uncertainty, I knew deep inside that I was beginning to enter the doors of womanhood. I wasn’t exactly an adult yet, as it was only weeks ago when I was looking around for sweet sixteen party themes for my birthday.  But I felt that I was gradually being exposed to the harsh realities of life.  I was cautiously flirting with the idea of adulthood at that time. Going to college made me realize that I was no longer the kid I used to be.  I was slowly asserting my independence, simply because I had to.  Circumstances led me to rely on myself as I trudged my way through early adulthood. Fast forward to today, I am a full grown woman with a better grasp of life and its intricacies - at least I think so!  I have been through more trials than Kim Kardashian has had boyfriends.  Those tests in life ha

Effective Parental Ways to Control a Computer Savvy Kid

Most of the kids these days are lured to play video games and online games. Most often, some are even willing to skip meals just to eliminate that monstrous creature or get that precious weapon to clear the level. Parents might not be able to understand their language and most of the time they end up raising their hands and say “whatever!”  every time they convince their kiddos to stop and get some sleep. Being able to raise a computer savvy kid is something to be proud of, but when it becomes addicting thereby compromising their health and their education, then it’s another story. Your kid can no longer improve his potential to other things if right at the very beginning he cannot discern the difference between real and virtual happenings. Convincing them to go to bed early is one of the most challenging quests, especially during the holidays or during weekends. They would immediately reason out that they don’t have any school homework and sleeping late is just alright. Howe

Enhance your home appeal with a beautiful staircase

A beautiful staircase enhances the home pattern and design, ornamental handrails not only add beauty but serves as guide and guard for you and your children’s safety and elders as well. Indoor or outdoor hand railings can rust over time and when paint or metal primer can no longer protect it against corrosion then it’s about time for a replacement. Changing handrails and other railing parts can be a do-it-yourself project as wrought iron railing parts are available in most home furnishing outlets and can be ordered online too. However, for more creativity and decorative work, you may hire the services of handrail and staircase builders.

Community Practice: A Modern Branch of Social Work

The task of helping people within a specified group or demographic area to liberate themselves and to hold their own in a demanding society is best approached from a community level. Social work is a long standing profession which has been mainly aimed at empowering the weaker and more vulnerable members of our society. We live in a capitalist economy where opportunities are not evenly divided and people must compete to succeed. The society itself usually creates the very community problems that social work seeks to address. Macro Practice Effecting the desired change within a community requires several modes of guided interventions. These interventions fall under a new branch in the field of social work - Macro Practice. This practice deals specifically with the larger social systems interventions which are essentially a mix of several areas of the social sciences, and are meant to bring about a positive impact on society. These include economic development, urban planning, pu

Instilling values, one of the most important aspects of parenting

We as parents are responsible to lay the ultimate foundation for the bright future of our children. Instilling values is one of the most important aspects of parenting that we should not forget. It has been proven that children learn by example. If you will set a high priority on showing and teaching on your values, your children will practically learn to do the same. Infusing values to our children can be done in several ways. Discuss among your children about your beliefs; tell stories that support your principles in life. It is important to monitor your child's behavior in school or when they are outside of your home with their peers as it can weaken parental influence and the development of moral values for behavior.