Five Most Common Faults for Your Car

A car to some is simply a form of transport to get from Point A to Point B. For others, it is a necessary part of the household, a possession that is listed as part of the family's asset. Yet for others, a car is their pride and joy, to be shown off at every opportunity and to be washed and polished whenever time allows.

Car owners who fall into this last group more often than not undertake their own maintenance. While it is important to have your vehicle looked at by professional mechanics at regular intervals, undertaking your own basic maintenance and minor repairs is a satisfying and money-saving activity. Just be sure to research properly and follow tips from experts like those at before undertaking anything too complicated.

Here are some of the more common faults to look out for if you choose to undertake your own maintenance on your car.

Battery issues

The battery; it’s very important but largely forgotten. The battery in a modern car is probably the most hardworking part in any vehicle. Once it was used to start the engine and run the lights if the engine was not running. It was not used when the car sat idle. Today the battery continues to work when the car isn’t, powering computers, clocks and all types of modern gadgetry. You no longer have to have to keep a check on the acid and water levels, but you need to keep the terminals clean and free of corrosion for a long life.

Poor tyre maintenance

Again, another important part of the car but one left untouched until it is too late. Years ago before self-service petrol stations, an attendant would check the pressure on your tyres each time you filled the tank. Today, you have to do that yourself. The correct tyre pressure will reduce wear and improve handling.

Fuel issues

With so many different fuels on the market, it is easy to put the wrong type in the tank. Some cars are simply not designed to take all types of fuel. Putting the wrong petrol in the tank can cause blockages in the lines or other damage to the engine. Similarly, it is best not to let the fuel level get too low. Residue at the bottom of the tank can be sucked into the lines, causing blockages.

Broken cables

Stretched or snapped brake, clutch and accelerator cables are a common fault in many older cars. They are under a great deal of stress even during sedate motoring and over time weaken or break. Keep an eye on them for any signs that they are stretched or frayed and make sure your mechanic checks them during your vehicle’s regular service.

Spark plugs

Home mechanics often ignore the spark plug, thinking they were only an issue in older cars. The plugs in any car are essential in keeping the engine running and must be checked regularly and changed if they are corroded or no longer producing a spark. Put them on your maintenance ‘to do’ list.

Looking after your own car should save you money and be enjoyable. You just have to know what you’re doing beforehand. For more information on common maintenance issues with your car go to the Pure Performance Motorsport Facebook page or Pure Performance Motorsport on EBay.


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