The Road to Conception: Your Guide to Vitamins

Although everyone knows the importance of taking the right nutritional supplements once they’re pregnant, far too few people really realize that upping your nutrition game even before you’re pregnant has many benefits as well. Taking the right vitamins can help increase your chances of conceiving in the first place. It can also help prepare your body to maintain a smooth, successful pregnancy and deliver a healthy, happy baby. Let’s take a closer look at some of the best and most effective vitamins and dietary supplements out there today.

Vitamin C
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We’re all familiar with Vitamin C for the way it helps keep the immune system healthy and promotes speedy tissue regeneration. However, it’s important to note that Vitamin C can help you conceive as well. According to the nutritional experts at the Mayo Clinic, multiple studies have shown that this essential nutrient can help women who suffer from ovulation-related conditions improve their fertility levels. In men, Vitamin C can help prevent sperms from becoming tangled together, as well as neutralize the negative chemicals found in tobacco products.


Not only is zinc essential for the maintenance of a healthy body overall, but it’s also been shown to help maintain optimal levels of essential reproductive hormones in both genders. In women, zinc can help ensure that their bodies put estrogen to more efficient use. Men who take it can look forward to both increased sperm count and sperm motility. Zinc also helps to keep levels of both hormones at steady levels.


Vitamin E

Vitamin E is yet another essential nutrient that has been shown to help couples conceive. It comes especially highly recommended for men with low sperm counts and has been proven to ensure a higher rate of successful fertilization attempts. There are also studies out there that suggest Vitamin E can help increase the chances of successful in vitro fertilization by up to 10% when taken by both partners.

Folic Acid

Folic acid is already well known as an absolute essential for helping unborn babies develop successfully and healthfully. However, many health experts are discovering that it’s a must when it comes to preparing a woman’s body to carry a pregnancy as well. Women who took daily folic acid supplements were shown to have 40% fewer issues with ovulation and subsequent conception than those who did not.

Multi-Nutrient Supplements

Lately we’ve been seeing a rise in conception supplements that consist of multiple nutrients known for their ability to optimize health and help couples conceive. Not only are they convenient, but they’re also often formulated to standards set by important medical and nutritional studies. Look for an option with a high success rate that contains such essentials as iron, folic acid, iodine, and more to help you not only meet your daily nutritional needs, but supercharge your body’s natural fertility at the same time. (Elevit is an excellent example.)

At the end of the day, trying to conceive can certainly be a harrowing process, but ultimately it boils down to creating the right conditions for miracles to happen. Explore the possibilities for yourself today!


  1. These tips are helpful but the best thing a pregnant woman or someone who wants to be pregnant can follow is still the doctor's advice.

  2. Yes, supplements before conception's excellent way for men and women. For men, the usual supplement I recommend is Pharmaton, 1 capsule daily.

  3. Yes, supplements are really important but it's just important to have them checked by the doctors first before taking them.

  4. I haven't remembered on how my wife had prepared herself while in her stage of conception. it is really better the would-be mother woman should be sufficiently supplied with essential vitamins in her body to protect her baby inside her womb.

  5. Oooh. I didnt know that Vitaminc C could play a big role when conceiving a child. (just because Im an only child. I don't know what my mother did haha)

  6. I drink Vitamin C, Folic Acid and Vitamin E as per OB because I had 3 miscarriages already. Even though I was not advised by OB I still drink Vitamin C and E for supplement everyday.


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