Living in the Moment: The Key to Happiness

Ever since I
can remember, I’ve always had this unspoken fascination with bubble wrap. I
derive an undeniable sense of satisfaction and calm whenever I pop those tiny
air bubbles. This fetish of sorts has even compelled me to Google “bubble
wrap,” and visit It’s
interesting to learn so much about a seemingly unimpressionable object which
gives you sheer and inexplicable pleasure.
But this post
is hardly about bubble wrap or packaging implements. It’s about living in the
present moment. For me, being wholly absorbed in the here and now is akin to
popping bubble wrap. The activity keeps me preoccupied and effectively
annihilates any negative thoughts, or unnecessary worries about the future. It
keeps me grounded on the present moment.
Living in the moment
What exactly
does living in the moment mean? It simply means, being fully immersed in the
task at hand. Whether you’re exercising or talking to somebody, living in the
present means not thinking about anything or anybody else while you’re busy
doing something.
say that when we live in the moment, we end up happier. On the other hand, when
we spend our time daydreaming or thinking about the future – even if it’s
positive – that inevitably tends to make us feel miserable. When our minds
wander, that sets us up for fear, disappointment, regret. We become
unproductive and ultimately, unhappy.
How to live in the moment
But with a
million and one pressures and demands caving us in everyday, we may feel that
living in the moment is such a herculean task. It’s probably as difficult as
getting Kim Kardashian to stay home on a Saturday night! But if we are truly
bent on being happy, that shouldn’t be so difficult.
Practice mindfulness. To be able to really live in the
present moment, we should learn to practice mindfulness. When we become mindful
of the present, we realize that we are detached from our thoughts. They are not
us, and we are not defined by them. The art of mindfulness involves observing
your thoughts, and not letting them rule you.
Breathe. Whenever you feel a worry attack
coming on, just breathe. This may seem easier said than done, but it is doable.
Simply breathe in, breathe out. Allow your senses to take in everything around
you. Smell the scent of freshly baked bread, listen to the sound of your
neighbor’s constant bickering.
makes perfect, even when it comes to achieving true happiness. If we keep taking baby steps towards living in
the moment, we will eventually get there.
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