Your Carribean Vacation: Selecting the Best Islands for You

The Caribbean, as you may already know, is much more than just miles and miles of snow white sand beaches (although it certainly is that as well). Unless you’ve got a sizeable bank account and a good amount of time on your hands, however, it can be difficult to visit more than a handful of islands during one vacation. We’ve put together guide so you can better decide which of the many Caribbean islands can help you achieve your vacation goals (or lack thereof).


So you want to put your sunglasses on, put your feet up and place a fruity drink in your hand. You’ve certainly selected the right region for your travel. Here are some islands that might meet your need for sun and cat naps:
  • Aruba: If you’ve got a bit of cash stashed away and are looking for a place that understands luxury, Aruba could be a great bet for you. The island has gorgeous beaches and a bounty of package tour options.
  • Antigua: Looking to hit the resort and not think about the real world for a few days or weeks? Antigua is a small island ringed with resorts of all types and sizes. Antigua is beautiful and people for whom money is no object (think Oprah Winfrey and Eric Clapton) have homes here.


If the thought of snoozing on a beach all day leaves you bored, do not despair. There are plenty of islands that appeal to the non-stop adrenaline junkies or anyone who doesn’t mind getting in a little diving or sightseeing in between their beach bumming:
  • Bonaire: Bonaire is lined by a protected reef and offers some of the most breathtaking diving in the Caribbean. Diving is the center of the action here, as the beaches are a bit less pristine than others in the Caribbean.
  • Dominica: If getting off the beaten path and away from mega resorts is your aim, then Dominica is a great choice. The island offers spectacular nature to those who are willing to do a little trekking.


For some, travel isn’t truly travel unless they get to experience a bit of how the native people live in international locales. While many Caribbean islands pack in the luxury hotels and have tourists by the boatload, others retain a sense of community and a different way of life:
  • Cuba: There’s no better spot in the Caribbean for feeling like you’re truly in another world. Cuba’s capital, Havana, offers a dilapidated beauty, where 50s era American cars regularly roll down the street. The country is also surprisingly easy to travel in, despite political and language differences.
  • Trinidad: Far south in the Caribbean chain, Trinidad’s cultural feel can be quite distinct from other islands. Creole culture permeates the island and traditional tourist attractions are few and far between compared to the rest of the Caribbean. If you can make it to the island for its blowout Carnival celebration, however, you won’t regret picking this off-the-beaten-track destination.




  1. You should look into some of the islands you never really hear about. St.Vincent is like the Caribbean used to be before big resort tourism. Many reasons but it's easiest if you visit for a whole page about why and a whole lot more info. Travel well.


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