
5 Important Safety Features to Look for in a Family Car

Your family car is more than just a vehicle used to get from Point A to Point B. It's where you spend quality time on road trips, a place for your children to take naps, and a portable entertainment system while you're running errands. When you're in the market for a new family car, you'll want to choose an option that is spacious enough to hold your family and yet also fun to drive. Reading comprehensive car reviews with Motoring and similar listings sites can get you pointed in the right direction. Safety should always come first when travelling with children. As you read reviews, be on the lookout for the following safety features. 1. Car Seat Anchors Child car seats are becoming increasingly technologically advanced to protect your most precious cargo. Yet you'll want to find cars that also match this technology, by offering car seat anchors to secure the seats in place. Although many car seats are designed to work with seat belts in a pinch, secure ancho

My 47 years of life lessons and wisdoms learned

Life is a continuous learning process and no one is considered a master of life. Life can bring joy, happiness, glory, pain, frustation and desperation but it also gives us hope, aspiration and makes us stronger. We discover our strengths and weaknesses, realize our mistakes, change the way how we handle circumstances and continue learning as life goes on.  Thank you Sweetheart for the birthday cake :) I just turned 47 years old yesterday, January 4, 2013. Yes you read it right; I am now just three years away to being a golden girl lol.   I am proud to have reached the prime of my life with no regrets but full of contentment and happiness embracing what life has endowed me with. Let me share you the powerful life wisdoms and lessons I’ve learned all throughout these years. Hoping you’ll find it beneficial as you travel your life’s journey.

5 Amazing Animal Rescue Stories

Humanity’s fondness for animals encourages the circulation of reports involving the heart-warming stories of amazing animal rescues. Around the world, people often come together in hopes of saving a helpless creature in danger. Alaska Whale Tale On October 7, 1988, an Alaskan Inupiat hunter named Roy Ahmaogak happened across three gray whales trapped by frozen ice in the Beaufort Sea. Cutting a path through the frozen terrain with a chainsaw was unsuccessful. Village neighbours installed heat pumps to keep the ice from freezing around the whales. Biologists from North Slope Borough arrived and hired a crane with a five-ton hammer to break through the ice. Twenty-one days after discovery, two of the three whales swam back into the open sea after Russian ice breaking vessels cleared a sizable path. The dramatic rescue inspired the movie “Big Miracle.”  Orphaned Baby Bats Raging storms off Australia’s Gold Coast stranded approximately 130 baby bats. Workers from the Australian Bat

Finding the Perfect Gift for a Baby Shower

A baby shower may not be one of the usual celebrations that can happen every year but it is considered to be one of those which is being celebrated with so much joy and laughter. Just imagine the excitement of a woman for the arrival of their precious bundle of joy. It is also one of the ways to gather all your friends and relatives who are most likely going to be the godparents of your baby. photo credits: