
Showing posts with the label home tips

House Emergencies and Accidents

Part 1 It is very important for every family member, including the household help to have a knowledge on what to do in cases of accidents, and emergencies. Discussing it over a meal during weekend, wherein the whole family is present, or maybe you can schedule a day for a family conference. First, we have to make sure that we have our first aid kit that is well maintained. Make sure that you have a system for replacing equipment when it has been used and check dressings and medication regularly to ensure that they are in date and undamaged. First Aid Kit for the Home The equipment should be stored in a clearly labeled waterproof box in an easy-to-access position. Here is what my First Aid Kit contains: 1. Small, medium, and large dressings. These are sterile pads with bandages attached that can be used to control heavy bleeding and cover minor wounds. 2. Triangular bandages. They ca n be used as padding around a painful area. They can provide cover for burns or large scrapes a